Destination Primus Vita is a narrative-driven FPP puzzle game set in the far future of humanity. "Episode 1: Austin" is the introductory part of a planned franchise.
In Roombo: First Blood your task is simple: take control of the cute little robot vacuum cleaner, "defend" the house then get rid of the clues. Morbid indie fun, what's not to like about it?
Serious Sam 2 is a first person arena-horde shooter developed by Croteam released in 2005. And it’s like Deadpool meeting a Saturday morning cartoon for kids: funny, colorful, utterly crazy and really-really self-consious full with moments breaking the 4th wall. This review is based on the PC release of the game.
Unreal II: The Awakening is a sci-fi FPS released in 2003. It’s supposed to be a sequel to the highly successful and innovative Unreal but it’s more like a spinoff. It features completely different pacing, gameplay, narrative and atmosphere ...aaand before we start: I really loved it.